Review Process
Review process, which is expected to last minimum 1 and maximum 2 months, consists of phases stated below:
- When a paper is sent to the journal, the author will be informed how to track review process in journals web site.
- Turnitin software will be used to detect any plagiarism and will be taken into consideration during editor review. Turnitin report is controlled in terms of content, there is no rule for percentage.
- Editors will decide the paper is adequate to journals aims and scope. The paper may be rejected or sent to review in this phase.
- The paper will be sent to blind peer/triple review by editor decision via e-mail when it is found adequate for reviewing.
- Referee reports may offer four kinds of decision: 1. Referee states that the paper does not need any change and may be published. 2. Referee states that paper need some change before publication, yet another referee review is not necessary. 3. Referee states that paper need important changes and should be reviewed again afterwards. 4. Referee states that the paper should not be published.
- If referees offer significant changes, the anonymous reports will be send to the authors.
- After gathering referee reports, editors decide whether the paper will be published, any adjustment is necessary or the paper will be rejected.
- Until there will be a final decision, more adjustments may be asked.
- If adjustments take long time, editors may reject the paper.
- When a paper is accepted for publication, authors will be asked to write "author information" texts and sign a copyright agreement.
- Rejected papers will be returned to authors.